Status in Mail notification is always in french

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Status in Mail notification is always in french

Post by Maverick0174 »

Hello all,

I missed the "Status" in the mail notifications for new and updated tasks. So, I added the entry in "mail_creation_tache.tpl" and "mail_modif_tache.tpl".

Code: Select all

{#winPeriode_statut#} : {$periode.statut_tache}
So far it works but the "Status" in the mail notification is in french. As far i can see it with my limited coding knowledge, is the call back from the db the "status_id" from the status table. The "status_id" is in French and get translated via the UI through the language txt file. But this doesn't work that way for the email notif.

I could just add new stats and delete the defaults. Perhaps the way I'll go but I'd like to suggest that you add the "Status" as a default part of the notifications. What is the sense in an update notification if the status of the task (or project) isn't included?

I'm still in testing phase but perhaps I'll use SOPlanning for my After Sales Service Team Management. It comes so far with all features I need and it's until now the very best I've found.

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Re: Status in Mail notification is always in french

Post by soplanning »

The status is not present in notifications, you're right.
We'll fix this and will deliver it in next release.
Thanks for reporting.
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