crossing line on button depends on duration

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crossing line on button depends on duration

Post by Ralf »

Hi there,
not sure, if this issue has the status of a bug or just a feature request:
Setting the status of a task to 100% done, the buttons in the table get a line, crossing the ID.
Very nice feature, but it appears, that it happens only, if the duration of the task is 8 hours or more.
With a duration of less than 8 h, there is no line.
Pleaswe see picture: two tasks with same status, one is 7 h (no line) the second is 8 h (crossed).
I would like to see it crossed when status=done, even if duration is just 1 hour.
line8h.png (16.63 KiB) Viewed 29417 times
I would like to fix this for my own installation, if somebody could tell me where to find that 8h-parameter.
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Re: crossing line on button depends on duration

Post by soplanning »

it's clearly a bug, we'll have a look.
thanks for reporting
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Re: crossing line on button depends on duration

Post by bluespirit79 »

Fixed in the next release
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Re: crossing line on button depends on duration

Post by Ralf »

I have just seen, that it is fixed already in the current download file (1.42).
Merci beaucoup !
Now I have a question:
Tasks which have a duration of less than 8 h are displayed by half colored buttons:
half_button.png (4.07 KiB) Viewed 29403 times
NIce feature, but I want to switch that off. I would like to see full colored buttons, regardless of the duration of the task.
Can you please tell me how to disable this feature?
For a future release an option could be to connect the full/half decision with the chosen value for "Default day duration", So if this is set to 3 h and I have a task of 3 h it is displayed fully colored. :geek:
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Re: crossing line on button depends on duration

Post by barthelemyD »

If you're still looking for the answer, i've worked on adapting SoPlanning for a dev team and i've found it, you just have to modify soplanning/includes/
libsoplanning.jpg (40.29 KiB) Viewed 28802 times
Instead of $TotalMaxJour you should have a value of 8, you can put $TotalMaxJour if you want the value to be fixed for the lenght of your day set in the Soplanning parameters, or you can juste delete the whole bloc if you want your cells to be always be full.

Hope it helped, have a nice day !
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