Task Management

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Re: Task Management

Post by soplanning »


Thanks for sumbitting your suggestions.
By looking at your feedback, it seems you are looking for a MS Project online version, what SOPlanning is not !
It's a planning system, not a project management system. The difference is not so tough, but this is why some points you describe are not present for the moment.
In detail :
1) dependencies are not existing in soplanning for the moment. This is not asked by end users until now.
2) end date is really linked to gantt approach and project management. it's not planned to be added for the moment.
3) file upload is clearly a must have, and will be implemented in a furthur version.
4) creating tasks without dates is a nonsense in soplanning. We understand the need, but it's not compliant with the standard version of soplanning, we only do such change "on demand" after studying company process of our customers.
5) assigning to groups is a good idea, but not really asked until now. We focus our efforts on ideas suggested by most people.
6) assigning users to multiple teams was asked several times. But the impact is important : planning view, rights, stats, etc, everything is impacted. so we have to find solutions for each case. We'll work on it when it will be on top of the priority (long) list.

Best regards
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