SEOPlanning is excellent to be able to see the whole planning as a lineal graph with all the people involved, also, to see all the projects/tasks assigned to a particular person, and that's the reason why we use it, however, there is another excellent open source project which is totally focused in project/production management based on the Kanban methodology with a lot of features, mature and very stable, which allow us to control the progress of each project moving tasks between states just by drag and dropping. There are a lot of pluggins which allow us to enrich the tool and use it with all its potential ... however ... there is always a cath .... it doesn't do what SOPlaning does!!.
The Kaban project name is Kanboard (kanboard.net) and what it doesn't do is just to have "the whole planning as a lineal graph with all the people involved, also, to see all the projects/tasks assigned to a particular person". As well as, SOPLanning doesn't do a lot of functionalities that Kanboard does based on the Kanban methodology.
What I see here is that both open source projects are a perfect match if work together.
So, what I'm suggesting here for you is to know kanboard and create a plugin (as it has a complete standard way to create plugins) to integrate SOPlanning with Kanboard so that if, for instance, I move a task in SOPlanning it could adjust the time (start/end) in Kanboard, and so on.
Please let me know your comments on it. Even if I'm not one of the developers of Kanboard, I know it very well and could show you how do we use both platforms for planning/controlling our projects in a virtual meeting if you want (let's coordinate it).
Waiting for your comments ... best regards ...