TimeSheet and Plan vs Real Analysis

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TimeSheet and Plan vs Real Analysis

Post by tecnodaniel »


As I have told you in a previous suggestion, we use SOPlanning and Kanboard, but also we use other opensource software for the human resources management including reporting the real hours invested in the projects/tasks each week (TimeSheet) where we have also developed a functionality in order to be able to load the project's hours budget at the beggining of each project so that we are able to compare the planned budget vs the real hours invested by person/department so that we are able to analyze if the projects deviations.

The referred software is OrangeHRM.

Well, it would be fantastic if SOPlanning could have the follwoing:
  • Inicial budget in hours per task/project load (importing an excel file)
  • Timesheet for reporting the real hours used for each task by the people assigned
  • Reporting for Real vs Plan
Also, it could be done in other way like creating a pluggin to integrate SOPlanning with OrangeHRM.

What do you think about it?

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Re: TimeSheet and Plan vs Real Analysis

Post by soplanning »

We plan to add features for better reporting (project estimated vs timesheet).
It will be in a further release but not in the next one coming in some weeks, we're already on many topics.

About external tools, there are thousands, we don't provide specific plugins as every company wants his own implementation . We only do this for on-demand version of soplanning, based on customer needs.
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